Speaking with One Voice

The Northeast Pool & Spa Association is your voice on legislation and regulations impacting our industry. NESPA GRAC monitors legislative action across the region and represents the pool and spa industry when these important actions are being debated.




NESPA's Government Relations Action Committee (GRAC) brings together dedicated member volunteers and lobbyists on behalf of our members to oppose onerous over-regulation and advocate for our industry. We have important relationships with Federal, State and local officials and are in regular contact to share our industry’s perspective on legislation. 

The Government Relations Action Committee consists of representatives from each of our four chapters.  If you have questions about legislation and government regulations contact NESPA at 609-689-9111.

President's Message
Alcide Guzman

President's Message


In my first message back in September, I wrote to you about gratitude.  Over the last year, I’ve gained an even deeper understanding of what gratitude really means.  I could not be more grateful to have had the opportunity to serve the Northeast Spa and Pool Association. 

First, I want to thank my dad, David Katz, for founding our company in 1985 and providing me the opportunity to become involved.  If not for him, I likely wouldn’t be in the pool industry.  If not for him, and my mom, I wouldn’t know what hard work, persistence, perseverance, attention to detail, always having a can-do attitude, and living beyond expectation is all about!  All my past and future achievements are a result of what my parents taught me over the years.

Next, I’d like to thank all the volunteers and staff that I’ve been lucky enough to work with throughout my years of volunteering for NESPA.  I am ever grateful for your support and encouragement. 

It has been an honor to serve as your president over the last year.

Last fall, NESPA volunteers from around our region participated in our annual Congress of Committees. Volunteers collaborated with staff to develop fresh approaches to make our industry more educated, more professional, and more recognized.  We continued those important conversations at the International Pool, Spa, & Patio Expo. Our volunteers participated in national board meetings for PHTA and NPC as well as committee meetings including PHTA’s Education Committee, Service Council, and Builders Council.

The Pool & Spa Show in Atlantic City this past January was nothing short of amazing.  Record numbers of industry professionals took part in expanded networking opportunities, attended new classes, and explored innovative ways to grow their businesses.  The energy we felt on the Show Floor was motivating.  While we could not have predicted what would happen in a few short weeks, the lessons we learned and connections we made helped prepare us for what was ahead.

As we all returned from the Show, a pandemic took hold of our country and our region.  NESPA’s response was remarkable.  Our team of staff and volunteers assembled quickly to represent and support the industry.  The way our members joined forces to keep us working and safe was inspiring. These efforts took time and energy away from plans we had originally set, but we learned a tremendous amount in the process. 

The insights we gained from the COVID-19 pandemic are being used to strengthen our ongoing government relations efforts.  We are putting in place action plans that will give us the tools to respond with even greater speed and efficiency during the next crisis, whatever that might be.

Now, the industry is busier than it has been in several years as we try to keep up with the increased demand as homeowners focus on staycations.  We’re all doing our part to try to handle the influx of work and shortage of supplies. 

I know our industry will become stronger from it.  That’s what we always do! 

Mitch Katz, CBP, CSP
The Land of Elite
NESPA President


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