Speaking with One Voice

The Northeast Pool & Spa Association is your voice on legislation and regulations impacting our industry. NESPA GRAC monitors legislative action across the region and represents the pool and spa industry when these important actions are being debated.




NESPA's Government Relations Action Committee (GRAC) brings together dedicated member volunteers and lobbyists on behalf of our members to oppose onerous over-regulation and advocate for our industry. We have important relationships with Federal, State and local officials and are in regular contact to share our industry’s perspective on legislation. 

The Government Relations Action Committee consists of representatives from each of our four chapters.  If you have questions about legislation and government regulations contact NESPA at 609-689-9111.

President's Message
Alcide Guzman

President's Message

September marks the start of my term as president of the Northeast Spa & Pool Association. When we kicked off this year at The Pool & Spa Show back in January, the energy was electric, and there was so much excitement for the upcoming season.  No one could have predicted how the following weeks would change so much for each of us, both personally and professionally. During those difficult times, and since, I’ve never been so proud to be a part of this organization.

As a member of NESPA’s Executive Committee, I spend a lot of time talking to companies who are considering joining. It’s pretty simple to list off many of the tangible benefits of membership, like savings on education programs and access to code experts.  

Still, I always focus on the intangible benefits. Knowing I have a network of friends in the industry that I can pick up and call when questions come up or tapping into NESPA’s long-standing relationships with government decision-makers when issues impacting my business are being debated. The greatest value NESPA gives its members is the relationships we create and the support given to our industry. 

This year, we’ve seen that on full display.  We’ve adapted and developed creative ways to not only keep those connections but expand on them.  By working together, we’ve been able to build our industry up and create new ways to connect.  We’ve learned so much.  I’m eager to take those lessons to use them in the months ahead. 

A big part of what’s next involves you. I’m asking you to consider how you can get more involved with NESPA.  I promise you’ll get much more than you give.

There are so many different opportunities from helping with industry research like the Got Scale project to growing our voice with State and local governments or planning upcoming events like The Pool & Spa Show.  There is something for every interest and availability.

I’d be glad to have a quick conversation to help get you started.  The year ahead will be full of new challenges and opportunities.  I’m looking forward to working with you to strengthen our industry.

Amy Rullo
President, NESPA


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