Speaking with One Voice

The Northeast Pool & Spa Association is your voice on legislation and regulations impacting our industry. NESPA GRAC monitors legislative action across the region and represents the pool and spa industry when these important actions are being debated.




NESPA's Government Relations Action Committee (GRAC) brings together dedicated member volunteers and lobbyists on behalf of our members to oppose onerous over-regulation and advocate for our industry. We have important relationships with Federal, State and local officials and are in regular contact to share our industry’s perspective on legislation. 

The Government Relations Action Committee consists of representatives from each of our four chapters.  If you have questions about legislation and government regulations contact NESPA at 609-689-9111.

President's Message
Alcide Guzman

President's Message

Investing in Education Always Pays Off

Education is at the center of what NESPA is known for here in our region and around the country. Last month, that was put on display at our annual Pool & Spa Show, where pool professionals traveled to Atlantic City to access training that they couldn't get anywhere else.

It's not uncommon for companies to become conflicted when considering a training plan for their employees. Investing in individuals who can leave and take that investment with them can be tricky, but the benefits far outweigh the risks.

A focus on training and development keeps skills fresh and positions employees for long-term success with your company. Training delivers not only better skills but great confidence in using those skills. 

At this point, we've come to expect the unexpected. As we all struggle to fill out our workforce, investing in training expands existing employee skills and makes your company more agile.

Everyone can benefit from learning more no matter what the position. This spring, NESPA is offering a variety of training programs that can develop new skills or refreshers for long-time employees. The schedule also includes business webinars to help you and your office staff prepare for the long months ahead. View more details about the training schedule below.

Is there a class or topic you'd like to learn more about? We are always looking to expand what we offer and introduce classes.   Reach out to NESPA at info@nespapool.org and share your ideas.

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