Speaking with One Voice

The Northeast Pool & Spa Association is your voice on legislation and regulations impacting our industry. NESPA GRAC monitors legislative action across the region and represents the pool and spa industry when these important actions are being debated.




NESPA's Government Relations Action Committee (GRAC) brings together dedicated member volunteers and lobbyists on behalf of our members to oppose onerous over-regulation and advocate for our industry. We have important relationships with Federal, State and local officials and are in regular contact to share our industry’s perspective on legislation. 

The Government Relations Action Committee consists of representatives from each of our four chapters.  If you have questions about legislation and government regulations contact NESPA at 609-689-9111.

Business Boosters: Upcoming Webinars
Alcide Guzman
/ Categories: News, Update Newsletters

Business Boosters: Upcoming Webinars

Spring training isn't just for your team in the field. Make sure your business skills are sharp as your season ramps up. We've invited two business experts to shine some light on how you can position your business for success in 2022.

  • Turn Your Team into a Champion Team | Dave Fellman,  March 15
    This interactive webinar will help you quantify the skills and attitudes of your current employees and build improvement plans to get them where you need them to be. You'll learn the differences between the baseball team model, the football team model, and the tennis doubles team model and how to apply all three to your business  Learn more and register.
  • Why the Buy and Why You Should Care | Mario Rossetti, March 16
    Join sales guru and pool & spa industry expert Mario Rosetti. for a fast-paced look at how to sell to today's consumers. This live webinar will include a chance for q/a.  Learn more and register. You'll learn how to
  • understand the reasons that motivate prospects to make a purchase decision
  • avoid the pitfalls that come from assuming you know what they should purchase
  • understand the power that perception has on the decision to purchase and how to create value to motivate buyers


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