Speaking with One Voice

The Northeast Pool & Spa Association is your voice on legislation and regulations impacting our industry. NESPA GRAC monitors legislative action across the region and represents the pool and spa industry when these important actions are being debated.




NESPA's Government Relations Action Committee (GRAC) brings together dedicated member volunteers and lobbyists on behalf of our members to oppose onerous over-regulation and advocate for our industry. We have important relationships with Federal, State and local officials and are in regular contact to share our industry’s perspective on legislation. 

The Government Relations Action Committee consists of representatives from each of our four chapters.  If you have questions about legislation and government regulations contact NESPA at 609-689-9111.

President's Message
Alcide Guzman

President's Message

Thanksgiving always reminds us to take a moment to reflect on what we are most grateful for in our lives. I hope that after a busy season, you had the opportunity to enjoy the company of your friends and family. The seasonality of our businesses seems to be a thing of the past, and finding time to step away is getting harder and harder with each passing year.

I’m exceedingly grateful for the commitment our NESPA members and volunteers make to bettering our industry. I know how hard it is to donate your time and talents when you are stretched thin, handling your businesses daily. 

While time is a limited resource for all of us, NESPA has various volunteer options that you can customize to meet your interest and availability. Recently, we held our annual Congress of Committees, where we brought together volunteer leaders from across our region to plan for the upcoming year. I wanted to highlight a few projects the Committees are working on

  • The Education Content Committee is developing new in-person courses on topics that will give our member companies critical training opportunities throughout the year. What do you think our next course should cover?
  • The Education Program Design & Deliver Committee is creating a training program for new instructors. What skills do you think are critical in an instructor?
  • The Government Affairs Committee is working on expanding our influence and network in government offices around our region. What are the legislative actions most impacting our industry where you work?
  • The Membership Committee is researching you! They are working to understand our members’ needs and what programs you are looking for to better your business. What programs or benefits are you looking for from NESPA?

Each group is taking on exciting projects, and I know that with your help, we can achieve even more. Please reach out to learn how you can get more involved. Even a quick conversation giving us your feedback and thoughts will help us better serve you and the entire membership.

Thank you again!








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