New Jersey Public Pools - Permits for Water Discharge

The State of New Jersey requires a permit for the discharge to a surface water body from the draining of pool water and/or filter backwash from any municipal, commercial, non-residential, or community (e.g., townhouses, and condominiums) swimming pools.  The Department of Environmental Protection renewed this permit requirement on February 1, 2024.

Applicants must request authorization to be covered under this general permit by submitting a completed and signed copy of the application (NJPDES Form-1 and the B6 Supplemental Form) electronically to at least seven (7) calendar days prior to discharge.   

Below are the permits and helpful information

Discharges of residential swimming pools to surface waters (i.e., river, streams) are not required to apply for this permit since they are regulated through the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) general permit as issued to the local municipality. 

If you have any questions about this permit, you can reach the state directly at 609.292.4860 or  You can also reach out to our office at 609-689-9111.