The Update Newsletter 

The Update is NESPA's monthly e-newsletter which highlight's association activities, breaking industry news and insights on business topics.  Below are links to the most recent editions.  If you are looking for an article and aren't able to find it, please contact NESPA at


President's Message

President's Message

May the FORCE of Volunteerism Be with You!

Author: Alcide Guzman/Friday, November 1, 2019/Categories: Update Newsletters, President's Message

It’s almost the end of the year and while that means a lot of things to a lot of people, this year there is something that is capturing the minds and imaginations of many. No, I’m not talking about the holidays or the many upcoming industry events. Rather, I am talking, of course, about the new Star Wars movie.

I recently saw the trailer for the new movie, which is sure to be a blockbuster. The franchise has enthralled moviegoers of all ages for over three generations. It’s not a leap to say that it has provided tons of inspiration over the years. The thought of “The Force” triggered in me to think of my recent trip to New Orleans where I attended a Pool and Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) board meeting, an NPC board meeting and many other national council and committee meetings.

In Star Wars, it is “The Force” that, as Obi Wan told us over 40 years ago, “surrounds us, binds us, and ties the universe together.” We have a similar force in the pool industry.  Just like the mysterious energy field from the films, you can’t always see it, but it is always there working behind the scenes, pulling things together and making the universe a better place for everyone. I’m talking about the FORCE of volunteerism.

I am completely humbled and proud of the commitment to volunteerism NESPA members make not only to their chapters and to the region, but on a national level as well. Our members serve on boards and councils, work on committees and meet regularly with other pool associations and education partners to help raise the tide for everyone.

The thing that makes our FORCE better than the SciFi version is that you don’t have to be a Jedi to tap into it! Anyone can feel the force of volunteerism flow through them if they want to make this industry better for everyone. Please, reach out to your local chapter, or contact NESPA to learn about the opportunities that fit your skills and interests. As the saying goes, many hands make light work. I hope during this winter you will step up, lend a hand and be a part of the force for change in the industry.

Mitch Katz, CBP, CSP
The Land of Elite
NESPA President


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