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CONSPA Members Learn 5 Strategies to Help Build & Grow the Business

CONSPA Members Learn 5 Strategies to Help Build & Grow the Business

Author: Alcide Guzman/Tuesday, October 1, 2019/Categories: Update Newsletters

Photo Caption: In a session called “Master Your Marketplace 2020,” CONSPA offered an evening of roundtables at which pool professionals from Connecticut could discuss business strategies and plans for the 2020 season.

Unless you fully participate in your local chapter’s offerings, you are missing out on important programs that could add to your profitability in the upcoming pool season. Case in point, The Connecticut Chapter’s September 24th, 2019 Annual Meeting “Master Your Marketplace 2020.”

Those who attended the meeting took part in roundtable discussions. In all, there were five tables with a topic expert at each table. Attendees spent time at each table discussing the topic at hand, then moved on to a different table of their choosing to learn more.

Here are a list of topics and facilitators:

  • Employee Recruiting: Bob Russell, The Glen Gate Company;
  • Employee Development & Retention: Patrick McDougal, Newtown Pools;
  • Subcontractors, Part-time and Full-Time Employees: Ron Falcioni, Darien Pools;
  • Employee Diversity & Multiple Generations: Kurt Harmeling, Bel Aqua;
  • Strategic Planning & Budgeting: Rob Romano, David Cooke Plaster Co.



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