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Don’t Miss the ‘Installation of Waterproofing Systems & Glass Tile’ Program Coming to NESPA

Don’t Miss the ‘Installation of Waterproofing Systems & Glass Tile’ Program Coming to NESPA

Author: Alcide Guzman/Tuesday, October 1, 2019/Categories: Update Newsletters

Glass tiled pools are stunning and many of the Gold Medal winners in NESPA’s Outstanding Achievement Awards programs over the years have featured this glittering material. But glass tile is not without its challenges to install.

Learn the proper methods of glass tile installation at a two-day course at NESPA headquarters -- November 20 - 21, 2019. This course will help you and your whole team to maximize profits and minimize problems on glass tile jobs now and in the future.

This two-day course includes detailed classroom instruction in NESPA’s state-of-the art training room as well as ample hands-on learning opportunities. You will have the opportunity to apply what you learn in the classroom to a real-world installation project so you can successfully master these new skills.

The Power of Proper Prep
Proper preparation of the pool surface cannot be stressed enough, that’s why the first day of the course will focus on prep so that the glass tiles can be installed properly. This includes waterproofing as well as mortar board installation. These first steps are critical for a successful installation and having a satisfied customer. Learn the best practices in prep so you can be both efficient and effective on your job sites.

Practice Makes Permanent
The second day gives a detailed look at glass tile installation from start to finish. Learn about the types of tile, necessary tools and key tricks of the trade. As you work on an actual installation project, you’ll see your confidence and skills grow. Price: Member $395 | Non-Member $495

Here is a detailed agenda of the two days:

Day 1 -- Waterproofing Systems Installation Wed 11/20 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Classroom training on mortar bed and waterproofing systems installation (Taught from a “Best Practices” perspective)

•    What is waterproofing?
•    What is a mortar bed and what is its purpose?
•    Understanding the different types of modified mortar beds and waterproofing membranes within the pool industry
•    What to look for before you begin installation of a waterproofing system
•    Common mistakes associated with waterproofing installation
•    Mortar bed application and waterproofing application.
•    Step by Step instruction on both disciplines including
•    How to install a bonded mortar bed with modified mortars
•    How to apply waterproof membranes on tile mortar beds and bond beams
•    Q & A and follow ups

Day 2 -- Glass Tile Installation: Thurs 11/21 8:30-4:30
Classroom training on glass tile installation (Taught from a “Best Practices” perspective)

•    General overview of the process
•    Identify types of glass ok to be used in pools
•    What tools do you need to be successful?
•    What can go wrong?
•    Tricks of the trade
•    Proper techniques for cutting glass tile
•    Thin Sets, grouts and bonded mortar beds, a better understanding of their role in the installation
•    Glass tile installation, both mesh mounted and paper faced and where to install expansion joints.
•    Tricks of the trade in action
•    How to cut glass tile
•    Pros and Cons of each tile mounting system
•    Why 100% contact is mandatory and how to achieve it
•    Timing is everything; knowing when to pull the paper
•    Grouting tile
•    Expiation joint installation
•    Cleaners and sealers for glass tile
•    Q & A and follow ups

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