The Update Newsletter 

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Winterizing Pools & Spas for an Easy Spring Opening

Winterizing Pools & Spas for an Easy Spring Opening

Author: Anonym/Thursday, August 1, 2019/Categories: Update Newsletters

With the Winterizing courses at NESPA and the Chapters now wrapping up, one of the key takeaways offered was a Winterization Vehicle Checklist. Vehicle Checklists are highly customizable to fit the particular company, but what is important is to use a checklist each time you ready a vehicle for the road so that you will have everything you need to efficiently close the pool. Here is a checklist from the NESPA program on items to include in the truck.

    Board pump for under gas pump
    Gas pump
    Suction hose
    Discharge hose
    Gas/oil
    Cover sticks
    Anchors
    Springs
    Cover padding
    Algaecide
    Litho Shock
    Chlorine floaters
    Threaded plugs, 1 ½ in. and 2 in.
    Rubber plugs
    Extension cords
    6 tapered fittings
    4 short vac hoses
    Antifreeze
    Teflon tape
    Gizzmos 1 ½ in. and 2 in.
    Water tubes
    Closing check lists
    Pool spec. form



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