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GRAC Update: NJ Licensing News

GRAC Update: NJ Licensing News

Author: Alcide Guzman/Wednesday, May 1, 2019/Categories: Update Newsletters

At the end of January, Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey signed into law legislation that creates licensing requirements for both pool & spa builders and pool & spa service contractors working in the State.   NESPA continues to meet with relevant government agencies regarding the implementation of these licenses. 
Pool & Spa Service Contractors and Pool & Spa Builders & Installers Advisory Committee posted the following alert on the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs website: 

P.L. 2019 c. 22 established the Pool and Spa Service Contractors and Pool and Spa Builders and Installers Advisory Committee, under the Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors, within the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs. Licenses to engage in work as a pool and spa service contractor and pool and spa builder and installer are not yet available. 

The law includes a "grandfathering" provision that authorizes the Committee to issue a Pool and Spa Service Contractor and Pool and Spa Builders and Installers license without examination under certain circumstances. To afford applicants the full 24 months within which to make application, the 24 month grandfathering period will begin when regulations adopted by the Committee become effective.

click view on the Division of Consumer Affairs website

For the latest licensing news, check or give us a call at 609.689.9111.


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