The Update Newsletter 

The Update is NESPA's monthly e-newsletter which highlight's association activities, breaking industry news and insights on business topics.  Below are links to the most recent editions.  If you are looking for an article and aren't able to find it, please contact NESPA at


2020 Outstanding Achievement Awards

2020 Outstanding Achievement Awards

Author: Alcide Guzman/Wednesday, July 1, 2020/Categories: News, Update Newsletters

Now is the time to start thinking about the projects you want to enter into the 2020 Outstanding Achievement Awards!  Having a plan will make the process even easier when competition opens.

Our new website makes entering both the Builders Competition (including the Exception Recognition Categories) and the Service Competition quick and easy for members. 

Your entire team stepped up this year and it’s time to get recognized for your hard work.  When you enter the Outstanding Achievement Awards you win more than an award.  Winners receive The Outstanding Achievement Awards Marketing Toolkit, industry recognition, a prominent placement in NESPA’s online Inspiration Gallery and more!

And don’t forget about the Service Competition! The purpose of this competition is to recognize and reward NESPA members who exemplify the best in customer service and customer relations. Winners can use this recognition as a marketing tool in their sales efforts.  Entering this competition requires you to submit email contact information for current customers.  Be sure to start collecting that info to help make the entry process seamless for your company.

We will start accepting entries in August.  Check your inbox for more details!



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