The Update Newsletter 

The Update is NESPA's monthly e-newsletter which highlight's association activities, breaking industry news and insights on business topics.  Below are links to the most recent editions.  If you are looking for an article and aren't able to find it, please contact NESPA at


Member Benefit: Benchmark Payment Network

Member Benefit: Benchmark Payment Network

Author: Alcide Guzman/Thursday, August 24, 2023/Categories: News, CONSPA, LIPSA, Metro NY NJ, Penn Jersey, Update Newsletters


Eliminate or significantly reduce your credit card processing costs. As a NESPA member, you can now take advantage of Benchmark's newly Expanded payment processing solutions. Benchmark provides electronic payment services to merchants in all 50 states and Canada.

Recently, Benchmark hosted a webinar exclusively for NESPA members, sharing how they can help companies reduce their processing fees. If you couldn't join the webinar or want to relisten, click below.

For more information on this program, please get in touch with Steven Axman at 917-642-5379 or learn more about NESPA'S member benefits, visit













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