The Update Newsletter 

The Update is NESPA's monthly e-newsletter which highlight's association activities, breaking industry news and insights on business topics.  Below are links to the most recent editions.  If you are looking for an article and aren't able to find it, please contact NESPA at


Got Scale

Got Scale

Author: Alcide Guzman/Wednesday, April 1, 2020/Categories: News, Update Newsletters

As Pool Start-Up Continues:  We Need Your Help 

Scaling on cementitious surfaces of swimming pools is occurring at a significantly higher rate than a few years ago. The Northeast Spa & Pool Association (NESPA), along with industry partners the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance and National Plasterers Council (NPC), are investing in research to work on and solve this problem--but we need your help, according to Kyle Chaikin, chairman of the Winter effects Task Force.

“Our goal with this program is to stop the finger pointing and let consumers know that there is an anomaly or a phenomenon taking place that affects certain pools over the winter,” Chaikin continued. “We need to get to the bottom of the issue: we want to find out (A) what is causing the problem and (B) how to prevent it in the future.”

The protocols that are currently in place do not prevent the problem from happening, according to the chairman. He said that what NESPA, PHTA and NPC need right now is for pool professionals, when confronted with the problem, to send samples to be tested. “We are working with several labs that will analyze samples from the field. Please CLICK HERE and download the protocol for collecting and sending in samples of these crystalline deposits,” said Chaikin. If  you have questions or would like to learn more, please call NESPA at 609.689.9111.


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