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​Winners of the Best Booth Competition

​Winners of the Best Booth Competition

Author: Alcide Guzman/Saturday, February 1, 2020/Categories: Update Newsletters

Putting on The Pool & Spa Show in Atlantic City is a big, complex and difficult production. But one of the very toughest jobs at the Show each year, bar none, is being a judge in the “Best Booth” contest and having to select only five booths from among the literally hundreds of beautifully designed booths on the Show Floor for awards.

There are five categories: the best booth in the 10-foot by 10-foot category (100 square feet) ; the 10-foot by 20-foot category (200 square feet); the 20-foot by 20-foot category (400 square feet); the 20-foot by 30-foot category (600 square feet); and over 600-square-foot category.

Judging the contest this year were: Sean Bishop, Alexa Blanda, Bob Blanda, Michael Carley, and Sean Meyers.

The winning companies for Best Booth were:

100 Sq. Ft Winner 
Think Outside
101 - 200 Sq. Ft. Winner 
Pal Lighting
201 - 400 Sq. Ft. Winner 
WaterWay Plastics
401 - 600 Sq. Ft. Winner Winner  AquaCal - AutoPilot 600+ Sq. Ft. Winner  



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