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Quarter Century Club; Remembering Bob Baron

Quarter Century Club; Remembering Bob Baron

Author: Alcide Guzman/Saturday, February 1, 2020/Categories: Update Newsletters

The annual Quarter Century Club breakfast on the last day of The Pool & Spa Show is a gathering of long-time friends and associates, but it is also a time to remember those who have passed. This year’s breakfast marked the passing of Bob Baron, chairman of the Quarter Century Club and a good friend to those in the industry. Rob Romano, David Cooke Plaster Co., South Windsor, Connecticut, was named chairman of the group and offered his recollections of Bob Baron.

“Bob Baron was my friend and a great mentor to me,” said Romano. “I credit Bob with helping me get over the fear of public speaking when I was younger, along with many other things he helped me with. Bob and I were at a large association meeting in Washington, D.C., with pool people from all over the country. Bob turned to me and said ‘you are presenting today.’ Me? I asked. I looked out at the hundreds of people in the audience. It was like looking out at a full stadium of people looking back at me. I was sweating, I was nervous, but I did it! Bob helped me in so many areas over the years. Losing Bob has hit all of us very hard, but I am so honored to chair The Quarter Century Club, a group that meant so much to him.”

At this year’s event, new inductees into the club at the breakfast included: Chas Bogardus. Ray Rescildo, Ron Fisher and Hugh Smith.

Those members honored for their continuing service to the industry included: Mark Warshaw, who received his 30-year pin; John Migliaccio, 45-year pin; Steve Gorlin, 50-year pin; and John Romano, 50-year pin.


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